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5 Top Email Marketing Best Practices

Posted By Debbi A. Ballard On September 30, 2015 @ 12:50 pm In Email Marketing, MLM Articles, MLM Marketing | No Comments

copyright, 2015, Debbi A. Ballard All rights reserved worldwide.

5 top email marketing best practices are summarized in this video by Laura Phillips from www.Koozai.com. If you aren’t paying attention to these fundamental best practices, then you’re most likely losing sales.

Read about these 5 top email marketing best practices below with Laura’s input and mine.

Secure and Use Databases Properly
If you build or purchase a database of prospective customers, make sure you use the database properly respecting all regulations. (See CAN-SPAM Act information for the U.S. and other email regulations in other countries here.)

Make the Sign-Up Process Easy
Capture the email address and perhaps, the name, of your site visitor by prominently having a lead capture form on your site. Give the visitor an incentive to sign up (e-newsletter, e-book, training video, etc.).

Carefully Craft Your Subject Line
Using interesting subject lines will increase open rates. If you use words like Exclusive or Limited Time Only, then make sure this is true. You do not want to use fake scarcity tactics. Limit the subject line to 40-50 characters and do not use any capital letters.

Pay Attention to the Best Timing
Laura intermingles timing with frequency a bit so this part of the video can be a little confusing. To clarify, timing refers to the days and times you find (after testing) to be the most responsive. This can differ from industry to industry.

Frequency Matters
Do not email your subscribers too much or your unsubscribe rate could escalate. So the frequency of how often you email has to be tested as well. Also you can give your readers options relating to how many times per week they would like to hear from you and/or what type of information they would like to receive on a more frequent basis.

There are many other tips to increase engagement from your emails. Segmenting your lists, personalization, adding graphics, using autoresponders, and other variables can all impact the success of any email marketing campaign. Remember that some top internet marketers report that email marketing is their most effective tool in creating sales (as high as 80% of their sales).

Also, if you want to learn more about how push notifications using real-time messaging can increase your mobile response rate, then read my post on the 7 top mobile marketing trends.

Now examine how you have been running your email marketing campaigns and see if you’ve neglected any of the 5 top email marketing best practices. Implement any that are missing and hopefully, you will more sales and a better ROI on your email campaign efforts.

Debbi A. Ballard introduced the world’s first comprehensive marketing and management consulting services for start-ups and established multinational firms in the mlm (network marketing) industry. A consultant, speaker, author and expert witness, she is considered a trusted authority and visionary in that industry. She is also recognized for her innovation and leadership relating to the convergence issues that impact network marketing and affiliate marketing. Thousands of corporate owners, managers, networkers, and affiliates subscribe to her firm’s newsletter, MyNetBrief(tm), for news, research and valuable tips.

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