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5 Steps to a Better MLM Loyalty Program

copyright, 2014, Debbi A. Ballard All rights reserved worldwide.

You know that loyalty programs can and do attract and retain customers. Here are 5 steps to a better mlm loyalty program. The video illustrates these steps which are summarized below.

How Some MLM Companies Undermine the Loyalty of Their Networkers

copyright, 2009, Debbi A. Ballard All rights reserved worldwide.

Discover how some MLM companies undermine the loyalty of their networkers. When this happens, the impact can be formidable. Sales and recruiting are negatively affected. Does your network marketing company value loyalty to its networkers or does Johnny the Bagger in the video really care more about it?

The Best Network Marketing Video of the Year

copyright, 2009, Debbi A. Ballard All rights reserved.
This is the FUN you should be having building your mlm downline. It’s the best network marketing video of the year!

We need to remind ourselves that our industry should be helping people to build a FUN business and not take everything SO seriously.

Get back to making your home-based business enjoyable and show others how to do the same. Yes, you CAN sing and dance your way into building a FUN, profitable mlm network!

MLM Loyalty Marketing Tips

MLM Loyalty Marketing Tips

by Debbi A. Ballard, MLM Consultant, copyright, 2008, Debbi A. Ballard
MLM loyalty marketing can help you succeed in today’s competitive environment. These days both customers and MLM networkers can be extremely fickle. Hence, the loyalty factor plays a key role in the success of any MLM company .
Securing customers [...]