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How You Can Get MLM Leads From Cable TV

Posted By Debbi A. Ballard On November 30, 2009 @ 5:05 pm In MLM Articles, MLM Leads | 2 Comments

by Debbi A. Ballard copyright, 2004-2009, Debbi A. Ballard All rights reserved worldwide.16886252

Here’s a “secret” known to only a small percentage of marketers that can help you get mlm leads for your mlm business from cable TV. By U.S. federal law, cable TV stations must allow for leased access cable time with special rates set by the government. You can approach any local cable station and request this time. All of the rates are typically very low. Depending upon the number of subscribers in a particular market, the rates do vary however.

You control the content (no obscenity allowed) and can resell parts or all of the time. This could be a great addition for a multi-level marketing (“ MLM”) company that has an mlm lead generation program for its networkers. Networkers who work in any type of network marketing co-op lead generation programs with their downlines could also benefit from leased access cable. Because the rates are so low, even individual networkers could profit from taking the initiative to test this type of marketing campaign.

As a networker, you must first check with your MLM company to see if you can get approved to utilize your proposed leased access campaign. Most companies do not allow any advertising without receiving written approval from the company. Typically the company will ask to view the entire program content, ad, infomercial, etc. before giving an approval.

Make sure that you check out the best times for your campaign. Yes, there are lower rates available for certain times at night but if few people are watching, it may be worthwhile to spend a few more dollars to get a better time slot. In addition, ask the cable TV reps about the demographics (age, sex, income, location) and any other profile variables relating to the station’s subscriber base such as whether many are business opportunity seekers, health oriented subscribers, etc. Then see how the profile matches the profile of the target audience you wish to reach.

Conduct a test first to see what kind of a response you receive. Only after receiving satisfactory results do you want to consider contracting on an ongoing basis.

Network marketing companies must be careful when any TV ads are used whether by the firms themselves or by their networkers. If used improperly, networkers complain that only certain people get approved to use these promotions and thus, it does not create a fair, level playing field for all of the networkers in the program.

Some network marketing companies will have qualifiers tied to their respective mlm compensation plan that must be achieved before receiving consideration for approval for such ads, infomercials, etc. In other words, anyone has the right to apply for approval if they have fulfilled certain production qualifiers or have advanced to certain ranks. Companies feel that by doing this, only dedicated, proven leaders who will follow up on the leads will be involved in the various marketing campaigns. They also feel that this helps to overcome the “level playing field” issue since anyone can work to qualify to have his or her proposal considered.

There are MLM companies that will allow networkers to do this only in the beginning launch stage. Others who are in a slump and are introducing a new product to stimulate interest and sales will allow such a campaign. Initial approvals are usually given only for a certain number of airings. Then the networker must seek approval once again for additional airings.

As an MLM consultant for over twenty years, it’s my opinion that while these campaigns can be profitable, like other campaigns, they must be used only after careful planning. A company can choose to utilize the program itself and then disseminate the leads to its networkers. It can also choose to allow only certain networkers to run their own respective campaigns approved by the company. The campaigns should not be used excessively or in any way that could undermine the relationship with various networker segments. Yes, explore the possibilities of how you can profit from leased access cable time but like any other medium, understand that it must be used so that no unintended negative consequences occur.

(To learn more about the leased access cable tv mandates, go to www.ftc.gov and type in “leased access” on the site’s search engine. In addition, to get various rates, type in “leased access cable rates” on google.com or other search engines. Add your city or state to narrow the search. Here’s another valuable tip on mlm leads from your mlm consultants’ blog.)

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