September 30, 2012 | Debbi A. Ballard | Comments 0
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MLM Innovation is for the Courageous

copyright, 2012, Debbi A. Ballard All rights reserved worldwide.

MLM innovation is for the courageous since nothing remarkable happens without courage. For example, people often ask me how I was able to build an enduring, successful mlm consulting practice, a practice that contributed to so much innovation in the network marketing industry. Part of my response has always been…“sheer guts.”

So, too, for anyone wanting to bring mlm innovation to his/her enterprise. Understand that courage doesn’t mean you are impulsive or reckless in your decisions.

It must be accompanied by discipline.

That’s a quality I’ve been fortunate to have ever since I was a small child, due to strict, but loving parents, and the twelve years of Catholic schools I attended. (Anyone who went to Catholic schools can relate to the strict discipline enforced by the nuns, that’s for sure! LOL)

In the short video here, you will hear from Robert Burgelman, Executive Director of the Stanford School of Business. He speaks about driving innovation and how important it is even in a global financial crisis.

To make his point, he mentions how innovative green business strategies can be employed to help grow a company when a firm has the discipline to control its costs. He emphasizes that “even during the bad times” companies cannot afford to abandon innovation. This holds true for any form of innovation whether it be “going green” or introducing new products. Maintaining corporate “discipline” allows a firm to continue its commitment to innovate.

So regardless of whether you manage an mlm company, or you are a networker or vendor, remember that mlm innovation is for the courageous and for those who maintain discipline in running their businesses.

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Filed Under: MLM ArticlesMLM Consulting


About the Author: MLM Consultant, Expert Witness, Author, Blogger, Speaker and CEO of International Network Liaison Corporation...but more importantly, wife, mother, daughter, aunt, cousin and friend.

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